American Professional Partnership for Lithuanian Education
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LMF projektų laimėtojai -
 2009-10! Valio!!!

Lithuanian Scholars' Fund contest winners - 2009-10!

A.P.P.L.E. now has an account on PayPal.
You can donate or pay your dues by pressing the Donate button.

A.P.P.L.E. SUMMER - 2010 has started!!!

Minister of Education and Science greeted us at the
20 year anniversary celebration.

President Adamkus and Mrs. Adamkus greet Barbara Henriques at the opening of the seminars in Klaipėda.

  Vida Gavin and Karl Janowitz with the help of the director of UPC planted the 20-th apple tree.  


Purpose of A.P.P.L.E. Founded in 1990 to support educational reform in Lithuania, as charted by the Lithuanian Ministry of Education
Mission of A.P.P.L.E.

The American Professional Partnership for Lithuanian Education (A.P.P.L.E.) is a volunteer international non-profit educational organization. With the support of the Lithuanian Ministry of Education and Science, A.P.P.L.E. partners with Lithuanian educators to foster the implementation of innovative educational approaches that contribute to the development of a democratic society.

  • To share American educational philosophy, information, techniques, and skills with Lithuanian colleagues
  • To develop long-term relationships between American and Lithuanian individuals and educational institutions
  • To encourage the development of experience and self-confidence for Lithuanian teachers
  • To bring together diverse groups of educators and teachers in Lithuania.
Fact sheet Click here to read our Fact Sheet.
Map Click here for the map of the places where we have held seminars.

Lithuanian Scholars' Fund contest winners! 
2008-2009 LMF projektų laimėtojai! Valio!!!

Lithuanian Scholars' Fund contest winners! 2007-2008  LMF projektų laimėtojai! Valio!!!
Lithuanian Scholars' Fund contest winners! 2006-2007  LMF projektų laimėtojai! Valio!!!

See what was accomplished by project winners!
Click on the name links on the winners' pages.


Dear friends of A.P.P.L.E.
It is not too late to make a donation to our cause. Please consider helping us make a difference in the lives of Lithuania's teachers and their students. See below for more information.
Click here to see the map of Lithuania with cities, where A.P.P.L.E. seminars were held.

How can $50 help in 2010?

You can help Lithuania's teachers make changes in their schools through the
American Professional Partnership for Lithuanian  Education


For eighteen summers A.P.P.L.E. has offered a variety of seminars and workshops for teachers, administrators, librarians, social workers, special educators, parents, and others involved with the Lithuanian educational system. Our goal is to help our colleagues reform Lithuania’s educational infrastructure so that all citizens will have the skills they need to sustain democracy and promote freedom. The unfortunate reality is that the costs to educators of implementing some changes in their schools are still prohibitive. Your contribution will help teachers, who attend the 2009 seminars, to implement some small but significant project with their students.

Through the Lithuanian Scholars fund (Lietuvos Mokytojų Fondas, LMF) we will be offering grants to a teacher or groups of teachers, who participated in any of the summer seminars. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation of $50 or more toward such a grant. You can view the 2006-20072007-2008 and the 2008-2009 grant recipients and their projects by clicking on the link year links.

Lithuanian scholar awards are not the only way to help sustain democracy in Lithuania. For $100, you can provide an ink cartridge and paper so that A.P.P.L.E. can distribute lesson notes to teachers. For $200, you can provide a stipend for a translator. For $450, you can underwrite the distribution of our newsletter. For $1,000, you can send a US lecturer to Lithuania.

Please send your contribution (along with your yearly membership dues of $25.00) to the treasurer or donate on-line through PayPal:    
P. O. Box 179017
San Diego, CA 92177

On PayPal, your donation will get to A.P.P.L.E. through a link to our Treasurer's email address:  After you donate on PayPal, send Jack an email with your email address and he will email you a receipt for tax purposes.


A.P.P.L.E. is a 501(3)c organization, which means that your gifts are tax-deductible. Our tax-exempt number is 23-2682202. Because of strict IRS regulations, we cannot accept donations intended for specific people. If you would like to support relatives or friends, please do so directly. The A.P.P.L.E. scholar grants are intended for Lithuanian educators who do not have contacts in the United States.

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Summer and winter seminars for 19 years

19 metų vasaros ir žiemos seminarų Lietuvoje



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