
Theme for Summer 2005
Education for Sustainable Development

  1. EDUCATION FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT - HIGH-LEVEL MEETING OF ENVIRONMENT AND EDUCATION MINISTRIES - important information for all Summer 2005 lecturers:  http://www.unece.org/env/esd/HLmeetMarchl2005.htm

  2. The report An Agenda 21 for the Education Sector in the Baltic Sea Region provides the context for A.P.P.L.E.’s 2005 general theme, which is ESD – Education for Sustainable Development. The Agenda was created to help  implement the U.N. goal of Sustainable Development through education (ESD) in the Baltic Sea countries. The strategy is called “Baltic 21E” for short and was written by a Baltic Sea working group, headed by Sweden and Lithuania.
  3. http://www.unesco.org/education/efa/region_forums/eur_north_amer/svietimasvisiems_en.pdf A pdf document, this is the final report of the international conference held in Vilnius in October, 2003, called “Quality Education for All.” The conference was hosted by the Ministry of Education and Science and the National Education Forum. The report includes very informative presentations on reforms in Lithuanian education, as well as keynote speeches on current trends by representatives of UNESCO, the World Bank, and the European Commission.
  4. http://portal.unesco.org/education/en/ev.php-URL_ID=15200&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.htmlThis is the UNESCO Education for Sustainable Development webpage. You can click on the region of Europe and explore the text. Lithuania (as proposed by President Valdas Adamkus) will be the country where the U.N. Decade for Sustainable Development is launched in Europe (in April 2005)!
  5. The draft International Implementation Scheme for the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2014) ENGLISH VERSION (.pdf document)
  6. United Nations University
  7. Education for Sustainable Development Toolkit
  8. Development Education Program's  DEPweb - Explore Sustainable Development
  9. Scott, William, and Gough, Stephen. (2003). Sustainable Development and Learning: Framing the Issues. London: RoutledgeFalmer. To read a review of this excellent book, click here.


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